SCMS Glossary

Movie: This is the name of the movie. We strive to use the official name of the movie from the Internet movie database. The "(also on)" link beside the movie name indicates movies that are listed on two categories (the link will take you to the other category).


Movie (Overall): This is the number movies for the entire category.


Kills: This is a count of the perceived kills by a single character. For more information about how we count kills see our More About.. page.


Kills (Overall): This is a count of the perceived kills for all the movies in the entire category. For more information about how we count kills see our More About.. page.


Average Kills: This is an average of the perceived kills for all the movies in the entire category (Average Kills = Total Kills / Number of Movies for the category). For more information about how we count kills see our More About.. page.


Star Rating: This is the star rating we gave the movie. The rating ranges from 0.5 to 5.0 (by .5 increments) with the higher numbers respresenting a better movie. The ratings are comparative within the category. For example, Miscellaneous Horror movie ratings are rated against other movies in the Miscellaneous Horror category.


Average Star Rating: This is the average star rating for all the movies in the entire category. (Average Star Rating = Total Awarded Stars for category / Number of Movies for the category).


Name: This is the name for the character who was resposible for the kills. We usually use first names or the name he/she was referred to in the movie. Named actor categories (ie. Mel Gibson) don't use names as we've identified the killer with the category name and therefore the character name is not relevant.


U.S. This column offers Videos and DVDs for sale through in U.S. funds. Making purchases through these links supports the upkeep of this site.


Canada This column offers Videos and DVDs for sale through in Canadian funds. Making purchases through these links supports the upkeep of this site.


Milestone: This column lists various milestones in our movie statistics history. They include kills (by 1,000s), movies (by 100s) and stars rated (by 1,000s).


Category: This is the SCMS file or category that the movie is under. There are 20 categories in all (12 named, 8 Miscellaneous). We had to use categories to avoid a 1,000 plus list of movies on a single web page and a more easily managed list.


Date: This is the date that the movie was updated to this website. It is not neccessarily the date that the movie was reviewed.


Movie #: This is a counter of the number of movies on our website. Each time a movie is added the number is incremented by one. MOD represents Modify (this occurs when a movie is re-reviewed).


Needed To Move Up: This is a the number of kills a category must obtain to move up to the next ranking in the overall category standings.


Last Updated: This is the date that the most recent movie or movies was added to the category.


+/- Since Last Update: This is the change in value of the columns since the last update of movies was applied.


Unique Movies On File: This is a total number of unique movies on file. A movie can be listed under two categories if a named actor category is one of the categories. Movies that are listed on two categories will have the "(also on)" link beside their names in the category listings. For example: Star Wars is listed under Harrison Ford and Miscellaneous Science-Fiction with Ford's and the highest other killer character's kill count listed.


Totals: These are the column totals or averages for all movies reviewed by SCMS.


Notes: This is a comment about an update. For example, if a movie made our Top 20 list or was a significant milestone it would be noted here.
